I've been trying, without much luck, to stay in touch with my friend Cameron since he moved to the north of the valley and I moved to the south. Maybe I'm stupid to try, but dang it, I love the guy. So I am going to blog again, because it's a way to stay in touch with my hoodoo hunting friend.
I'm not sure my blogs will be terribly interesting, but I'm going to try. And I've realized something. Blogging is a really good way to hone one's skills in the craft of writing. So I'm going to try hard to write well. Not that it matters to anyone or that anyone will read it. It'll be mostly for me.
Spoken like a true Rush fan! Just kidding. But really, make no apologies.
It matters to me.
Yeah Yeah Yeah.
PS, arent you paid to write all day? So why do you ned to "hone" your skills?
Ah the love.
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