Thursday, August 13, 2009

Winding up summer!

We have been trying to get everything in these last few weeks! The boys enjoyed swimming lessons and they each passed their level! Hooray!

We met my friend Melissa and went to the $2 Tuesdays at Thanskgiving Point! This is a picture of Sam, Josh, and Maya on the bridge! Some of their favorites were feeding the fish, having a picnic, going on top of the waterfall, and playing in the water at Noah's ark!
We also finished our library reading program with a fun party with goodies, we have had many water days outside with our waterslide and irrigation! And we have gotten together with family and friends!
We are now looking forward to school starting! Sam will be in first grade and Josh will start Pre-school! Needless to say, I am excited to have some peace and quiet around the house!

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